Return to Competition: General Considerations for Basketball via the PIAA

from the piaa:
The NFHS has determined that basketball is a moderate risk sport (sports that involve close, sustained contact, but with protective equipment in place that may reduce the likelihood of respiratory particle transmission between participants OR intermittent close contact OR group sports OR sports that use equipment that can’t be cleaned between participants).
- Pregame Protocol (2019-2021 NFHS Officials Manual, page 16, 1.8)
- Limit attendees to the referee, head coach, and one captain from each team with each coach standing on the center circle on each side of the division line.
- All individuals maintain a social distance of 6 feet or greater at the center circle.
- Suspend handshakes prior to and following the Pregame Conference.
- Team Benches (1-13-1)
- Social distancing should be practiced when possible. Below are some suggestions.
- Limit the number of bench personnel to observe social distancing of 6 feet or
Place team benches opposite the spectator seating.
Additional chairs or rows may be added to allow bench personnel to observe social distancing of 6 feet or greater.
- Create separation between the team bench and spectator seating behind the bench.
- Limit contact between players when substituting.
- Limit the number of bench personnel to observe social distancing of 6 feet or
- Social distancing should be practiced when possible. Below are some suggestions.
- Substitutes shall report to the scorer’s table but in the event there is more than one substitution, they may sit at the end of the scores table closest to their bench to maintain social distancing.
- Coaches and Athletes should adhere to the current Pennsylvania Secretary of the Department of Health Order of July 1, 2020.
- OfficialsTable(2-1-3)
- The host should sanitize the table before the game and at half time. Place officials table sufficiently away from the sideline to allow for additional space for substitutes.
- Limit seats at the table to essential personnel which includes home team scorer and timer with a recommend distance of 6 feet or greater between individuals. Other personnel (visiting scorer, statisticians, media, etc.) may not be deemed essential personnel and consider an alternate location for them.
- Table Personnel should adhere to the current Pennsylvania Secretary of the Department of Health Order of July 1, 2020.
- Pre-Post Game Ceremony
- Suspend the pregame introduction handshakes.
- This includes shaking opposing head coach and officials prior to the game.
- Suspend the pregame introduction handshakes.
- Suspend post game protocol of shaking hands.
Basketball Rules Interpretations:
Ball shall be sanitized as recommended by the ball manufacturer and not used for warm-ups.
The host school should ensure that the ball is sanitized during time-outs and between quarters. Basketball
Sanitizer should be provided by the host team at the table.
Cloth face coverings are permissible for players.
Coaching staff and other bench personnel shall follow the current Pennsylvania Secretary of the Department of Health Order of July 1, 2020.
- Officials Uniform and Equipment
- Long-sleeved shirts are permissible.
- Electronic whistles are permissible (supplies are limited).
- Choose a whistle whose tone will carry inside.
- Cloth face coverings are permissible.
- Officials should have face coverings readily available in the event they will be conversing with players/coaches/game personnel within six feet.
- Gloves are permissible.
- Other Considerations
- Throw-in
- Official may stand 6 feet or greater away from player making the throw-in and bounce the ball to that player on a front court throw-in.
- Free Throw Administration
- The lead official shall stand on the end line and bounce the ball to the free thrower.
- Jump Ball
- Official can designate another official to toss the ball in the center restraining circle for all jump-ball situations. (Rule 2-5-1)
- Scorebook
- Officials do not need to sign the score book but will need to have verbal verification on roster and starter submissions prior to the 10 minute mark.
- Throw-in
Limit seats at the table to essential personnel which includes home team scorer and timer with a recommend distance of 6 feet or greater between individuals. Other personnel (visiting scorer, statisticians, media, etc.) may not be deemed the current Pennsylvania Secretary of the Department of Health Order of July 1, 2020.